
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Christmas Tree Craft

A staple characteristic of any nanny/babysitter is creativity or a pinterest account... or both. I have any different families, different ages and different kids. So I found a cute idea and adapted it for each kiddo. We made CHRISTMAS TREES!! Now that Thanksgiving is over, we can do Christmas crafts galore! This one is SUPER easy, minimal mess and frame-able.

 First, I cut out a tree from green construction paper and put it on a scrap piece without gluing it.  

This ten pack of Crayola washable paints are my favorite to use, it's the most vibrant. 

For my 6 year old friend, I gave her Q tips and let her go to town.

 For my 2 year old buddy, I let him finger paint the tree.  

(Finger Painted on left, Q tip on right)

For T I added the green/red dots around the edge for his big sister I let her do it. They turned out super cute and were SUPER easy! 

Then I let T go to town on the finger painting because mess are the BEST! 

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