Thursday, September 4, 2014

I am a broken vessel

I am a broken vessel. I am entirely stained with mistakes and flaws. I speak out of line and I judge too harshly. I disregard God's word and doubt his promises. I blatantly put my needs first and ignore God's call to something else. I have stayed idle in my faith out of fear of rocking the boat, I have remained still when god's call is to "go". I am lukewarm in my faith simply because being on fire for God means being outrageously uncomfortable and unqualified. I am broken, flawed and completely imperfect. Despite everything that should be a disqualification for doing God's work- God has worked in significant and holy ways through me. God has and will continue to use my mistakes for his glory. God looked at the flaws, looked at the mess, look at the mistakes and said "I'll take it". For it is not through my perfection that I am used for God's glory. It is through his perfect love that my imperfect being can be used as a vessel for his good works. It is through humbly accepting the Grace for which I am so undeserving that I can be used as a power house for the kingdom of Christ. I myself am so unqualified to serve the King but he gave his life so that I may live abundantly. His only son died for my sins and that is all of the qualification I need. Christ's death gives hope as I strive to live in humility, to walk by faith and to love as Christ loved. Through perfect love and undeserved Grace I can rest in the arms of Christ despite my imperfections. I am a broken vessel but I am forever his and he will use me for his glory.

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